Page 27 - TheJanuarySnomad
P. 27
2019 Shakedown Earns Its Name
When I heard Ron Schroeder was not going to put on the Shakedown this
year, I knew I could not let the tradition end. I called Ron and verified that
he was not going to be putting on the ride and the ride coordinator wheels
started turning in my head.
Traditionally, the Shakedown ride was the second full weekend in Decem-
ber, this year being December 12-15, 2019. Due to its early snow I decided
on Munising for the location, and the next step was to pick a hotel. I called
6-7 places and when I spoke with Nicole, the owner Ben’s daughter at the
Buckhorn resort, I advised her on what I thought our needs might be as to
days and people, she said “let me see what I can do.” Two days later she
called back and said how does stay three nights, pay for two sound. I said it
sounds great and things were booked. Flyers were made and the word got
The Snomads Board of Directors added three Snomads Facebook pages.
One was for the general public and then two for members only. One mem-
ber only page was a new page dedicated to SnomadS Rides where the
Shakedown ride info was added. As with the normal first ride hype, we
filled the Buckhorn and overflow was sent to The Timber Ridge Resort just
around the corner.
The weekend before the Ride Mary and the kids went with me for the Mich-
igan Snowmobile and ORV Association (MISORVA) Board of Director’s
Meeting in Christmas. Several Snomads members are on the board, includ-
ing Jeff Mariucci, Ron Schroder, Jim Duke, Karen Hautamaki and myself. We
talked about the Shakedown ride several times. Snomads founder and first
president Jim Duke said he hoped to make it to the Buckhorn one night to
join us for dinner.
Mary, Jacob, Johnathon (Buddy) and I got in a Friday ride west toward Chat-
ham. Due to heavy wet storms tons of trees were down blocking the trail.
The clubs in the area were working overtime to try and make riding possi-
ble. Grooming could not be done until the trails were cleared.
January 2020 The Snomad Page 27