Page 8 - SummerSnomad2020
P. 8
2020 Trustee Position Nominees
Chris Falzon
Yes, I am interested in filling a trustee position. I have been a member
of the SnomadS Snofari Club for 23 years and have always been a snowmo-
bile enthusiast attending many club organized rides and events. We have a
cabin in Gaylord where we spend most of our winter season snowmobiling.
I am retired from the medical supply sales and service industry.
After being a member all these years and enjoying the benefits of the
club made possible by the current and past Board volunteers, I felt It was
time to contribute to and support the Board in future endeavors. If nomi-
nated for the position, I would ask the club for their vote in the upcoming
elections for the position of Trustee for the 2020 / 2021 snow season.
Thank you,
Chris Falzon
Jeff Obear
I would like to be considered for the position available as Trustee on
the board for the SnomadS Snofari Club. It would be an honor to be able
to give back my time to the club as a thank you for the clubs continued
support throughout the years. My recent loss of my snowmobile to fire,
and the clubs plans for a hot dog roast made me laugh as they dragged my
snowmobile off the trail with burnt parts falling off.
My previous 20 years as an active member of the club would be an
asset to the board. I would ask the club for their vote in the upcoming
elections for the position of Trustee for the 2020 / 2021 season.
Thanks for your consideration for this position.
Jeff Obear
Summer 2020 The Snomad Page 8