Page 3 - SummerSnomad2020
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SnomadS Snofari Club, Inc.
                                              The Official Journal of
            11172 Fieldcrest Meadows Ct.
            White Lake, MI 48386 (248) 360-6155   Snomads Snofari Club, Inc.
                                            Brian Wright - Editor/Publisher
             E-Mail to:
                         Marty Foster - Distribution
                Board of Directors            Published monthly, September

                                            through March, and distributed as a
         President   Merle Fitch Jr   248-410-7008

                                             membership benefit of Snomads.
         V.P.      Chuck Comstock  248-202-637
                                                SEND ALL NEWS COPY  &
         Secretary   Marty Foster   313-316-3832
                                            CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICES TO:
         Treasurer    Brian Wright    248-450-4808         The Snomad
                                             11172 Fieldcrest Meadows Ct
         Trustee   Lenny Dicks    248-778-6679
                                                White Lake, MI 48386
         Trustee   Bill  Plewa     248-245-6193
         Trustee   Ralph Yaney   586-822-0238
                                              News & Advertising Deadline
         Snomads is a private non profit, social and fraternal
         organization dedicated to the advancement of the   for the September Edition is
         sport of snowmobiling. The events and activities
         described in this newsletter were arranged for the    September 1st, 2020
         benefit of our members.
         In addition to social and recreational activities,
         our club supports charitable causes in the interest of
         public service and snowmobiling citizenship.    A safety message from ISMA
         Snomads offers snowmobile safety classes through  our
         DNR certified instructors and makes continuing safety and   Snowmobile
         technical education available to our members and the
         public through classes and seminars.                Manufacturers
         Snowmobilers who subscribe to the aims, goals
         and ethics of Snomads and who agree to abide by the    Association
         By-Laws and rules of the club are eligible to apply for   271 Woodland Pass
         membership.                                               Suite 220
         We are constantly in search of snowmobilers who share    East Lansing,
         our enthusiasm for this sport.
         Contact the club secretary to receive a free membership
         information kit and application by mail.
         Snomads Snofari Club is an affiliated commercial member
         club of the Michigan Snowmobile & Orv Association.

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