Page 36 - TheJanuarySnomad
P. 36

Lenny had helped a couple out on Thursday, and we ran into them at the
          Grand Marais Tavern and Bear Trap. We gave them directions to 422 to
          avoid the rough trail back to Munising and they left before us. As we
          turned onto trail 422, they had a sled buried on the side of the trail. To top
          it off it was a Yamaha and we all know how heavy they are. We got the sled
          out and they followed us for a while. When we got to M-28 by the railroad
          tracks I pointed the trail back to their vehicle for them and they headed
          that way. We took a break at the trail 8/422 intersection for a few minutes
          and reminisced about our day of riding. All agreed that except for the 7
          miles between Shingleton and the Bear Trap, it was great.

          After a little rest, we headed back west on 8 toward the Buckhorn. About a
          mile down the trail we had to stop and wait for another groomer to wave
          us by. At the last stop I told everyone dinner in an hour, after we got back
          in the back room at the Buckhorn. I pulled off the feeder trail to the Buck-
          horn and accounted for everyone. When we pulled into the parking lot
          everyone went their separate ways. We took over the entire back dining
          room at the Buck-
          horn with Snomads. I
          told the group I had
          heard from Jim Duke
          and explained that
          he would be at din-
          ner Saturday night.
          For those new to the
          club I also told them
          who Jim was. After
          dinner the stories
          continued and soon
          enough the Euchre
          games started.  The
          biggest surprise I heard was that Vince Cytacki had ridden with the off-trail
          group all day and rocked it. I went over tomorrow’s plans to those left in
          attendance. The games lasted for several hours before we headed to our
          rooms to rest up for tomorrow’s ride to Big Springs.

              January 2020           The Snomad              Page 36
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