
December 2008 Message

January 6th, 2009

2008, what an historic year it was. On the Fourth of July, I filled up the boat with gas and paid $4.28 for regular. I never thought that I would see gas below $2.00 per gallon again in my lifetime. Yet I filled up yesterday for $1.42 per gallon. We paid $1.94 for premium in da U.P. on the Shakedown.

We saw a lonnng and grueling Presidential campaign season. At times it got nastier than Courtney Love. However, in the end, the country accepted and got behind our new President and said,” O.K. let’s fix our nation.” No bombs were thrown, no churches burned. Heck there weren’t even couches burned at MSU.

Then, a guy that used to work at Goldman Sachs on Wall Street said, “If the Government doesn’t hand over 750 billion dollars the world will spin off it’s axis.”Yeah, $750,000,000,000. Congress said, Uh… we’re not so sure. But back the truck up and haul it off until we are.”

Now, we’ll need someone to oversee the disbursement of this money. Guess who? Yup, the guys who lied and gave out questionable loans that got us into this mess. Then the auto companies, which are responsible for over 10% of the nations jobs, asked for a 14 billion dollar loan. And congress said,”Come back with a 10 year plan, retiree concessions and a DNA sample from every GM employee and we’ll debate it. Doh!

Next, we got to witness the national embarrassment that is the Deetroit Lie Downs. 0-16. History. Forever. No one will ever be able to touch that record. Ever. Because no organization on earth would allow ineptitude like that to go on that long. 100 losses in 8 years under Matt Millan. So you finally fire him and still owe him 12 million dollars. Brilliant!

I could go on, but my blood pressure meds are kicking in. We’ve got to witness a lot of history this past year. Mostly negative. At least we got cold temps and early snow to ride on. With the 2 to 4 feet of snow statewide to ride on. It would take 60 degree temps and thunderstorms to wipe all of that out, and what are the odds of that happening in December?