
2013 Pink Ribbon Ride

GAYLORD, MI JANUARY 25TH & 26th 2013 First, I would like to say a special thank you to Dave & Char Pike for their very generous donation to the PRR. Not only this year, but in past years, their generosity has been heartfelt and a true miracle to those in need. Now, the bad news […]

2013 For Woman Only Ride

The 26th Annual Easter Seal For Women Only ride took place on a beautiful weekend. Lots of fresh snow, cold temperatures, a little sunshine and much camaraderie with old and new friends. The ride was attended by the following Snomad members: Marlene Kish, Mary Newman, Patty Paul and Liz Gunst Weisman. These riders each raised […]

2012 Kick Off Party Sets Fundraiser Record

Ever since I attended my first Season Kick Off party at the 300 Bowl on Cass Lake, I’ve been hooked. The year was 1995, as I descended the stairs to the small banquet room, it was like Christmas morning. There were helmets, jackets, gallons of oil, gloves, everything. The camaraderie was great, but oh those […]