Page 13 - TheDecemberSnomad2019
P. 13
The nights events moved on the charity gift Chinese / auction for the gifts
that were collected by David Gabriel, Paul Reed, and Brian Wright. (Thanks,
guys, for your help and support). When the Chinese auction was complete,
Ron Schroeder put on his farmers hat, and ran the auction for some of the
up-level gifts (Helmets, Snowmobile Jacket, including a full snowmobile
suit, GoPro camera and more).
When everything was complete, and everyone had settled in, the board
wanted to give Ron Schroeder a special thanks for a of his hard work and
contributions he has given this club throughout the years. Ron has served
on the board, club president, trail master, and we can’t forget many years
of funny stories he wrote for the Snomad. The club presented Ron with a
very special Recognition plaque, the plaque includes a photo of both Ron,
and Jim Duke, one of the founders of the SnomadS Safari Club. The plaque
was a special award for a very special person in our club, again I’d like to
say thank-you to everyone who helped at the Novi show, collected gifts,
sold memberships, and all of those who came to the Kickoff Party Dinner.
Ron and his elves handing out the prizes at the kickoff party
December 2019 The Snomad Page 13