Page 4 - TheOctoberSnomad2020
P. 4



                 Good rainy evening everyone. I hope everyone are staying
          healthy, and safe this October!! As you all know, this normally
          would be a busy time for us SnomadS. We would be just weeks
          away from one of our largest events of the year. The Novi Snow
          Show, but because of Covid-19 we have been sidelined!! We
          would also be preparing for our 35th annual Kick Off Banquet, and
          again Covid-19 struck!! Normally in October, we would be having
          had our Ride Coordinator meeting, and yes you guessed it Covid-
          19!!! Are you beginning to see a pattern here lol?

          Well this month has already brought snow to some parts of North-
          ern Michigan, and has us all thinking about our sleds, and the
          sport we all love. Usually October brings some late season camp-
          ing for Julie and I. We like to camp with Dee and Cory Ortwine, and
          Paul Reed and Patty. We managed to squeak in an early October
          camping trip to Pontiac Lake Recreation Area. This will be the last
          time our camper (Alice) gets out this year, as she is headed to the
          shop for some warranty work on Friday. So that means, No
          Hunting for me again this season, but that is ok. I have a ton of
          irons in the fire this fall. There is always next year. I know, I said
          there would be an article about the GMM/Campout/ATV ride, but
          I am sorry, my schedule has been just too crazy with work. I have
          had a lot of windshield time these last couple months. And I will
          have to make it for the November issue. It is crazy how Facebook
          has gone from summer activities and camping posts to winter,
          snowmobiling, and yes even snow posts. We have had some great
          colors these past couple weeks. I’ve noticed a lot of leaves falling
          from the trees, there becoming bare, and the colors are fading....
          Which reminds me, I need to get over to my dad’s and get his
          leaves taken of.

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